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Business Team

Poor mental health among employees costs UK employers on average £1,700 a year per employee.

Put workplace wellbeing at the heart of your business and watch your workforce flourish.



For businesses and individuals 

Girl Relaxing

No matter what stage of your journey you are at, yoga can act as a powerful tool to rebalance the mind, body and soul and leave you with a sense of inner peace you might not have even known existed.

Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is breathe and relax.

Meet Julie

Founder and Director

Julie is a seasoned management executive with 30 years of experience working in high stress public sector environments.

Now the founder and director of Purpose Wellbeing.

Delivering natural mental health solutions both in-person and virtually to individuals or teams within the workplace.

Providing peace of mind, increased health and happiness.

Offering easy to work with and reliable packages, which can be tailored to a team or individual's requirements and timescales.

Investing in the wellbeing of your staff will bring improvements in productivity and resilience of all colleagues.


“If you're in need of a mental, physical or emotional boost...Julie is the one to come to!! I couldn't recommend both her and Purpose Wellbeing enough”

- Amber Park

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For every £1 spent by employers on mental health interventions they get £5 back in reduced absence, presenteeism and staff turnover.

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